03 July 2008

Plan: July 2008

This will be a new posting type in my blog, I'll plan to write my plan for a month, only big plan. Then in the end of month, I'll review it, is it accomplished or not and if it is not, what's make the plan not works as plan.

Now, lets start the plan:
1. 4P 2P 4S simulation

Sembari postofolio banyak yang nyangkut, maka saya mulai belajar lagi deh. :)
Jadi bulan ini akan mencoba mengaplikasikan ilmunya Pak Vier dengan men-simulasikan 4p 2P 4S di Amibroker, mudah-mudahan yang yang nyangkut bisa lepas dan simulasinya pake modal beneran. :D

Target plan is double digit gain in a month.

2. Try the freelance in the net

Couple of months ago learn this kind of Virtual Assistant job in the Tim Ferris '4 hour work week' book, then after searching for the kind of freelance job provider and join their membership. I'll try to find some projects in this month.

Target plan is 1-2 job projects.

3. Create 2 more niche blog

Setelah melalui riset mendalam :P, akhirnya akan dicoba masuk ke 2 niche baru. Mudah-mudahan hasilnya bagus, mengingat akhir bulan om Google udah mau ujian dan ngasih rangking baru. :)

Target plan is average 500-1000 pageviews in new niche blog.

4. Automate the existing niche blog

Try to create the procedure to routinely writes in the existing gadget niche blog and shopping niche blog.

Target plan 2 post per week.

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