21 April 2008

BUMI and Indonesia Stock Market

PT BUMI Resources Tbk, or just for short we called it just BUMI. Lets turn the time to early 2003, back then BUMI stock traded in Rp. 90,- per share. Although BUMI is one of the Coal company that also gain some profit from the coal price rise, but as a small player in this sector, rather than KPC (Kaltim Prima Coal), the largest coal company in Asia.

Then, the shocking news came to the market. BUMI said that they'll buy KPC in the 2003, the realization of the plan finished in 2007. As the largest coal company in the Asia and the Global Warming issue in 2006-2007, then the BUMI stock price in 2007 reached Rp. 8000,-.

This early 2008, I bought some BUMI, at the price Rp. 5000,- with Target Price Rp. 6500,-. Why I came up with the 6500 rather than the highest price at 8000, because the Financial Report of Q4 2007 BUMI is not that good and thats why I came up with the number.

I get my 6500 in the end of April, but I didn't read the news paper when I decided to sell the BUMI. Currently BUMI doing some buyback to increase the share price, if I read the newspaper early in the morning I could sell it in 8000 :(.

But then, I still happy because I managed my Target Price and strategy succesfully :D.

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