29 August 2008
Pemeran Film Laskar Pelangi Tidak Ada Yang Baru
Pengumuman di detik tentang film Laskar Pelangi yang akan tayang Lebaran nanti sangat mengembirakan. Juga setelah mendengar lagu soundtracknya yang dinyanyikan Nidji dengan cukup baik. Film yang diproduksi oleh Miles Films bekerjasama dengan Mizan Cinema Productions, �B� Edutainment dan Iluni UI ini sepertinya, film ini akan bisa menggeser film Ayat-Ayat Cinta sebagai Box Office Indonesia.
Pemeran film Laskar Pelangi yang terdiri dari anak-anak kecil sebuah sekolah yang hampir rubuh dan juga jadi kandang kambing, semuanya adalah anak-anak asli belitong. Pemeran anak-anak asli belitong cukup melegakan, karena kalo diisi sama pemeran anak-anak yang ada di sinetron, pastinya akan seperti sinetron biasa dengan pemeran yang itu-itu saja.
Namun dibalik itu semua, ternyata pemeran orang dewasa di film Laskar Pelangi tetap didominasi oleh pemain layar lebar yang sudah ada :( , Sebut saja Mathias Muchus yang bermain sebagai ayah ikal, waduh pastinya bakal keluar adegan dan mimik yang itu-itu lagi dari Mathias Muchus, kenapa sih nggak cari pemain baru?. Belum lagi Cut Mini yang jadi Bu Mus, ini mau bikin film Laskar Pelangi atau film Arisan?. Rieke Diah Pitaloka akan jadi Ibunya Ikal.
Cut Mini (Ibu Guru Muslimah)
Mathias Muchus (Ayah Ikal)
Rieke Dyah Pitaloka (Ibu Ikal)
Mudah-mudahan pemain dewasanya scene-nya jangan terlalu banyak dan lebih banyak adegan dengan anak-anaknya. Dan semoga para pemeran Ikal, Lintang, Mahar, Syahdan, Borek, Kucai, A Kiong, Sahara, Trapani, Harun, Flo plus A ling lebih baik dari para artis senior yang ada di film ini.
27 August 2008
Top Five Article Marketing Categories
1. Internet marketing
That's why doshdosh is so popular.
2. Personal finance
Simpledollar is a perferct sample.
3. Relationship
Hmm, there's always market for love related things
4. Personal health
Men's health?
5. Personal development
Hmm, any idea for sample in this category?
21 August 2008
Blogvertise Account Suspended :(
Here some suspend email from lori (Blogvertise Support).
My email
Dear Lori,
Today I check my account has been suspended and all my task is being rejected.
Could I know why my account has been suspended?
Last time I check I have almost US $ 600 payment that already approved but not being paid and still due in next month. But today all the payment is unaccessible because of the suspend. :(
Is there any mistakes from me or is it any trouble in the system?
Zidni A Apriya
Blogvertise reply
Your account has been suspended for abusing the shopwiki tasks. It specifically states that if you have written for this advertiser in the last 3 months you are not eligible for this task. Yet you submitted a second one, and grabbed a third one. I am sorry but to prove this rule will be inforced your account has been suspended.Sincerely,
Lori Y
Customer Service
Then, beg for forgiveness :)
Dear Lori,
Yes, It's my mistake to grab the shopwiki task more than once, but the third one I've already decline, before write any review about it.
And also I'm not aware about the restriction, The only restriction that notice is in the some_advertiser.com task and I'm not grab any of those task. Although from the email from webmaster there are nothing mentioned about the restriction. Could blogvertise forgive my mistake that not aware 'bout this restriction? :(
And for my payment from another advertiser that due to this week, will it be suspended also?
BTW, when this suspend will be release?
Zidni Agni
But, then lori doesn't reply any clue about when the suspend will be released and no forgiveness either.
The tasks specifically say it in the instructions, in bold at the top of the task.Sincerely,
Lori Y
Customer Service
18 August 2008
German Khan, Successful Russia Businessman
Forbes magazine list of fortune start to mention Russian businessman in their list of 100 wealthiest people in the world. Those Russian businessmen listed in Forbes fortune 100 dominated by young people with significant growth of business, German Khan is one of them. Last year his wealth estimated reach US$ 13.9 billion and placed 54th in Forbes fortune 100.
Born in
Alfa Group runs the banking business through Alfa Bank. Alfa Bank as own the biggest network in
Alfa Bank recognized as the market leader in Russia Banking, Khan and his Alfa Group entering new area of business, oil and gas business. Tyumen Oil Corporation is
In 2003 Khan merge TNK to SIDANCO. SIDANCO is a BP Russia subsidiaries company. The new company called TNK-BP own not less than US$ 6.7 billion, TNK_BP also own 50% shares of Slavneft, Russia Gas Company. Khan was appointed as leader in TNK-BP because both TNK and BP consider that Khan could bridges the Gap between BP, as a British company, and TNK, as a
TNK-BP starts its new oil business after the merger in
Khan’s last move in business was through telecommunication industry, Altimo as the market leader in
But, despite of all those achievement, Khan Still has some controversy. One of those controversies is Acquisition of Tyumen in 1997, because
16 August 2008
Online Business caso: Hotel de reservas on-line
Estos hoteles en línea de billetes ofrece la función de búsqueda y el plan de viaje, encontrar el hotel tasas que se adapta a su presupuesto. Algunos ejemplo de aquellos que como Estambul Hoteles, Barcelona Hoteles, Bali Hoteles, estos hoteles estará disponible para los clientes a elegir su preferido los hoteles y las tasas de destino.
Otra cosa importante para la línea de reserva de hotel de negocios web para siempre la búsqueda y descripción de página antes de la página de ventas. Made esas páginas en diferentes capas para permitir que el administrador de la pista en el comportamiento del usuario en los sitios web. Por lo tanto, el administrador podría sugerir a la mejora del negocio en línea y las medidas objetivo de ventas.
13 August 2008
Your Life vs Gas
12 August 2008
Billboard 'Siang Dipendam Malam Balas Dendam'
11 August 2008
Online Business Case: Online Store
Online store is one of the best things to make money on internet, the advantages of online stores is they enable websites owner to marketing their own brand, an example for this one is amazon and best buy. They start by selling others brand product, but now they start their own product, which is affiliate business.
Another advantages of online store, you as store owner will always have potential customer database. Database that will you have control over market, with this data you could also read and predict what will be profitable in the future.
Nowadays, online store targeting more specific market. This example is starts by amazon that selling only books in their early years or sports online store will be attractive to online customer that only searching for sport products. So, in the beginning it is better to only sell other brand in your online store, this will save you with production cost and focusing on customer and the other tips is to starts with specific product and market.
10 August 2008
Online Business Case: Annual Costume Store
Annual event is the best time for marketing product, especially for cloth and costume. The annual event such as Independence Day, religious event or specific event that only exist in some country. Usually an costumes online store must prepare one or two months before the event to prepare everything related to the event.
Some preparation like product stock, advertise or even rebuilding an existing web store design is need to prepare. Readiness of the product stock is a must, since there will be an increase in order of the product during the peak time. Advertising is important to building potential customer awareness of our product. The last thing is to make some necessary changes in the web store design to bring the new image.
One example in this annual costume store is a Halloween Costumes store; they will prepare them before the annual event. Building customer awareness about the halloween costume safety or just show their brand and domain in some popular places.
06 August 2008
Puyer No. 16 dan Gratis Bicara Jam 8
Nomor lain yang menjadi berita adalah No.16, bukan karena tradisi atau tanggal lahir, tapi nomor ini menjadi berita karena kreativitas parpol dengan nomor 16 dalam mengaitkannya dengan iklan produk jamu yang populer di masyarakat. Maka PKS no.16 obat sakit kepala menjadi jargon yang cukup unik. Salah satunya adalah 'Obat Sakit Negara No.16', secara memang Puyer No.16 dari Bintang Toedjoe memang obat sakit kepala.
Memang tidak pernah ada penyampaian ataupun penelitian, apakah hal ini menguntungan Bintang Toedjoe dalam hal penjualan atau tidak. Namun, setidaknya kedua belah pihak melakukan semacam marketing bersama. Otomatis ketika masyarakat melihat logo PKS No.16, maka mereka teringat PKS dan Puyer No.16 Bintang Toedjoe.
Lalu sekitar awal agustus, XL meluncurkan Gratis Bicara jam 8 malam sampai jam 8 pagi. Pertanyaannya, jangan-jangan XL mau ngikutin Bintang Todjoe? kenapa nggak jam 8.30 malam sampai 8.30 pagi? :P, kalau melihat periode promosinya, memang XL tidak mencantumkan masa berakhirnya promosi dan beberapa situs simpatisan PKS sudah mulai mengutak-atik logo XL Gratis Bicara ini.
Jadi, apakah akan ada jargon dan fenomena marketing bersama kembali di 2009 nanti, Let's see :)
04 August 2008
Kalah Pilkada, Stres, Bunuh Diri
Masak sih, gara-gara kalah aja bisa gila?, bukan karena kalah saja, tetapi si calon bupati ternyata sedang dililit utang 2,4 M yang digunakan untuk berkampanye di pilkada ponorogo 2005 yang lalu.
Jadi, karena udah ngutang 2,4 M dan kalah, maka si calon bupati patah arang dan menjadi stres tidak bisa melunasi utangnya karena tidak jadi bupati.
Inilah calon bupati pada pilkada ponorogo 2005.
1. Muhadi Suyono-Amin (PD-PPP)
2. Supriyanto-Handoko Sudrisman (PDIP)
3. Asmuni-Soesilo Hadi Soeprapto (Golkar)
Inilah Indonesiaku
01 August 2008
Calon Anggota Legislatif (Caleg) PKS Jabotabek
1. Ahmad Zainuddin
2. Rama Pratama
3. Suzy Mardiani
4. Adi Susilo
5. Agung Yulianto
6. Anis Byarwati
7. Ali Ahmadi
DKI 2 (Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Selatan & Luar Negeri):
1. M Sohibul Iman
2. Ahmad Faradis
3. Nursanita Nasution
4. Fitra Arsil
5. Abdul Muiz
6. Azimah Subagio
7. Evi Risnayanti
8. Abdullah Haidir
DKI 3 (Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Utara, Kep. Seribu):
1. Adang Daradjatun
2. Ahmad Relyadi
3. Wirianingsih
4. Taufik Ramlan Wijaya
5. Eka Wardiyati
6. Abdul Aziz Matnur
7. Haekal Jauhari
8. Samin Barkah
9. Lilik Solihah
10. Ofiyati Sobriyah
BANTEN 3 (Tangerang):
1. Yoyoh Yusroh
2. Jazuli Juwaini
3. Warsito
4. Ahmad Aryandra
5. Indra
6. Nurul Hidayati
7. Abu Yasir Kamino
8. Nirwan Nazaruddin
9. Nurul Hurriyah
10. M Nasir Abdullah
11. Ajisman
JABAR 1 (Cimahi, Bandung):
1. Suharna Supriatna
2. Ledia Hanifa
3. Adang
4. Setiadi Yazid
5. Upik Siti Ranah
6. Saiful Islam
7. Asep Wawan
8. Arif Minardi
JABAR 2 (Bandung, Bandung Barat):
1. Ma'mur Hasanuddin
2. Dumilah Ayuningtyas
3. Husein Al Banjari
4. Joko Sarwono
5. Achmad Nuryasin
6. Neneng Fathonah
7. Agus Kusnayat
8. Zirly Noval Jamil
9. Jajang Rohana
10. Ayi Khodijah
11. M Ibrahim
12. Abdul Hadi Wijaya
JABAR 3 (Cianjur, Bogor):
1. Untung Wahono
2. Ahmad Mabruri
3. Ana Mariani Kartasasmita
4. Eki Awal Muharam
5. Jalaluddin Syatibi
6. Nenah Haryati
7. Abbas Aula
8. Occu Wiguna Juanda
9. Burdah Athori
10. Karantiano Sadasa Putra
11. Syahrul Arif
JABAR 4 (Sukabumi):
1. Yudi Widiana Adia
2. Achyar Eldin
3. Ratih Nilam Widyani
4. Budi Muhammad
5. Asep Burhanudin
6. Primanita Sukmawijaya
7. Sugeng
JABAR 5 (Bogor):
1. Sunmanjaya Rukmandis
2. M Razikun
3. Sarah Handayani
4. Ahmad Muarif
5. Sofyan Tsauri
6. Hana Rohayani
7. Rudi Rahmat
8. Taufiq Azhar
9. Rina Ningsih
10. Tubagus Agus Yusuf
11. Arfan Malik
JABAR 6 (Bekasi, Depok):
1. Mahfudz Abdurrahman
2. Musholi
3. Sitaresmi Soekanto
4. DH Al Yusni
5. Nani Handayani
6. Alamsyah Agus
7. Hanri Basel
JABAR 7 (Karawang, Bekasi):
1. Arifinto
2. Mardani
3. Dwi Septiawati
4. Aryo Judhoko
5. Najiyullah
6. Ana Rosaliani
7. RB Suryama
8. Iwan A Fuad
9. Nurul Hidayati
10. Kodar Slamet
11. Mukhayar Rustamudin
12. Laila Fauziah
19th Years Old Major - John Tyler Hammons
This young man has just started his college in University of Oklahoma, this young major is still living with his parents in the city of Muskogee. He is winning the election with nearly 70 percent vote over Hershel McBride, 70 years old incumbent major of Muskogee. (I think this 70 is sacred number for John :D)
John Tyler priorities as a major will be creating an independent ethics commission to monitor elected and appointed city officials. "First and foremost, Muskogee is my one and only interest right now," Hammons said from his office inside the city's municipal building.
Hammons start his political record as senior class president at Muskogee High School in 2007, he served as president of both the Young Republicans and the Young Democrats.
Hammons is a Republican, the same party as the president Bush and the youngest delegate in Republican National Convention.
But for this city election, Hammons choose to run with non-partisan candidate and win the election quite well. Resident of Muskogee appears willing to give the young mayor a chance.
"He doesn't have the baggage. He doesn't owe anybody anything," said local restaurateur Gary Armstrong. "It's sort of a fresh start for Muskogee."