03 October 2007

NTS Job Fair

Last week, I attended the NTS walk-in interview. NTS, a local company owned by Maxis (Malaysia telco operator since 1995) and STC (Saudi Telco Company, “Telkom”-nya saudi). Formerly named Lippo Telecom and owned by the James Riyadi groups, operates in Surabaya and use the GSM technology along with Primasel that also operates in Surabaya, but using CDMA Technology.

Previously, NTS suffered many financial problem with dual ownership by Maxis and Lippo, but since the STC take over, suddenly NTS become the gold mine for some telco people, including vendor and professional. One of the biggest concerns, this is the first time STC entered the global market. STC is not known as operator that had many success stories in their expansion program such as Etisalat from Emirates or Batelco from Bahrain.

Indonesia as a big market now seeing as a big pool with many fish for some world operator, simply as Vodafone through Telecom Malaysia (TM), Altimo that eager to enter Indonesia along with President Putin arrival couple of months before, and the also the previous player, the famous Temasek and SingTel.

So, in couple of years, to be precise, 3 – 5 years from now, we will see Indonesia as the biggest market for Telecommunication Company, just like how we see Indonesia now on the Oil and Gas sector. We will see more world class services and world class handset. But, hopefully we will not make the same mistakes in the oil and gas sector, the mistakes for not letting the local professional and vendor to enter this big market and paying a lot of money to the foreign company and foreign professional and also the foreign vendor.

The final word will be, Lets fight in this 3 years to make Indonesia as the modern country through Telecommunication, like India known on its IT sector and China for its Manufacture sector.

26 September 2007

Our Subscriber Growth

Today, let's talk about our telecommunication subscriber in our beloved country. Indonesia as fourth largest country in the whole world, with total more that 200 million people, and of course a very potensial market for anything, especially for telecommunication products.

As a summary let starts counting, 40 million for Telkomsel, 3.7 million for Flexi and 10.2 for XL. And all of them just only covering the 30% of all Indonesia market. That's way Hutch persistently try to get the open market, also maxis, sampoerna and smart telecom, if we want to mention all the available operator out there.

But, the best part is, when we talk about the number of subscriber, actually the number is not that perfectly truth, for example, the number that every operator gave, often included the already expired customer, or customer that already not using those product (or we called it grace) for almost 3 month. The range of 3 month or even 6 month is absolutely defined by the operator without any regulation to limit the expired period.

The other factor, the dummy subscriber (the subscriber that are not register properly), XL faces this problem, that affected their subscriber growth, from almost to 1 million growth in 1st semester 2007 to only 200.000 after the cleansing action to those dummy subscriber.

So, as a customer of two operator, I'll just hope that the price will reduce and the quality will improve.

25 September 2007

Telco's Vendor

After a while, in observing the telco vendor in telecommunication industry in Indonesia, there are few player that consistent in their field in telco. Let's divided the vendor on their country and core technology.

The one that always become the major is Israel, on field that strongly hold, Billing, some vendor to be mentioned is amdocs (Billing vendor used by XL), TVNT (electronic voucher used by Smart) and SMS gateway that used by Indosat.

The other one is China, with the network field, some name to be mentioned is off course Huawei with their MSC, IN and other service like Data Service some of their users is Esia. Following the Huawei is ZTE, the government owned company is used by Telkom and Smart.

And also the latest one is our local vendor, Indonesia, that provide us with "All in Service" :), the type of service that try to fix and integrate anything that couldn't be covered by the previous two country. One of the popular one is Number Management by easySoft that used by several operator including Indosat, Esia and Telkom. The other one is Telaccess with their SMS Blast.

So, as our minister already said, let's just developing our competence in IT by simple motto, "Just Do It"

01 May 2007


Waffen-SS (Armed Schutzstaffel) was one of the successful army troops in world war 2, waffen-SS formed by Nazi during World War 2 from young farmer volunteer in the German village. The main purpose of the waffen-SS is to protect The third reich and stop the global communism. The recruitment for waffen-SS based on the physical criteria and ideological aspects.

The key successful recruitment and training of the SS was:

Ideological doctrine in military training of the SS and ideological criteria for the new recruit. The ideological doctrine made the SS as a fearless troops among the German army.

The combination of regular army war veteran with new young SS volunteer. The combination formed a good team moral during the world war 2 and made good team work and understanding between the young troops and their leaders.

16 February 2007

Transaction Per Second

"Ketika satu detik menjadi begitu bernilai" adalah tema terbaru untuk blog ini,
setelah satu tahun bertahan selama 2006 dengan tema MILI DETIK "Detik demi detik terus berganti". Lalu rencananya blog ini selama setahun ini akan mencoba menceritakan tentang TI di Telekomunikasi.

Pertanyaan selanjutnya, mengapa TI Telekomunikasi karena selama setahun ini saya akan banyak belajar hal itu :D.

Tulisan-tulisan berikutnya akan lebih banyak berbentuk artikel pendek yang berisi informasi singkat berserta link ke sumber artikel dan beberapa tulisan langkah demi langkah penerapan praktis TI Telekomunikasi.

Selamat membaca, semoga bermanfaat.

Zidni Agni